Find the key to the secret treasure and win 200 free spins! Guess which of the seven rocks hides the key to the underwater castle.
This month, we are on a mission of figuring out the present which Yabby found wrapped outside his house. Again, it would be quicker if you helped us. 200 free spins, as usual are yours should you guess what’s in a box, and help us unlock it.
200 free spins are yours if you guess correctly and help Yabby to find his love. Read, reply and enjoy the spins!
200 free spins are yours once you solve Yabby’s BFF test and guess the logical riddle correctly! Read the story, leave a reply below the post and enjoy the spins!
It is movie night at the bottom of the ocean! Well, the closest to the movies that we can have down here. I have gathered my crew and decided to host a Christmas movie night. The only one missing here is you, dear reader. Join us in guessing the movie.