Women’s Day 2021 Reflections Skip to main content

Has the Women’s Day 2021 lost its significance having in mind the challenges we face daily? Or is it more important than ever to celebrate women and their rights? It is difficult to answer these questions as priorities have shifted globally. However, when we put some figures into the picture the story becomes more tangible. Women’s Day is just another day to remind ourselves of why we should respect and cherish the women in our lives on daily basis.

Women’s Day Passed, What Now?

You bought the flowers and chocolates, or some other special gift. Perhaps you congratulated the woman in your life and took some load off of her shoulders for the day. What next?

When we do a good deed, we feel better. It means that apart from altruistic drives to help others, we also nurture the self-centered attitude. Many people cannot help it. It’s in human nature. And this is ok. The important thing is to have control over it and not let selfish motives rule you. If this is you, allow us to draw your attention to the real importance of Women’s Day.

So, we design this one day dedicated to women. We make up surprises, and make them feel good for a day, an hour, or just a few moments. Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes, just a phone call can be the driving force behind the entire week.

Moreover, there is a great number of strong, independent women who have taken the stirring wheels in their hands. They are the ones creating their lifestyles, leading the companies, communities, countries. We applaud them.

Nevertheless, under the visible layers of successful women, there is a multitude of invisible women heroes.

Two Extremes

Women are already doing a great job and have come a long way since the beginnings of International movement. However, the redistribution of women power seems to be unequal.

If we look at the issue from the Western point of you, women have never been more powerful. Today, there is a woman serving as Vice President of the USA. Also, we have a tremendous involvement of women in notable science projects, sports, and among Fortune 500 company leaders.  

On the other hand, the world is large and layered. Let us take a look at what the statistics say. It may change your view of the big picture or the attitude towards women. You may decide to spend more time with them, or surprise them more often.

Women’s Day in Numbers

As per Australian International Women’s Development Agency the figures look somber. Namely:

  • 87,000 women are killed every year just because they are women.
  • 50,000 of that number are killed by close family members or partners.
  • There are still 111 countries in the world with no repercussions for husbands who rape their wife.
  • Additionally, there are 45 countries with no specific laws against domestic violence.
  • 2.7 billion women have no legal access to the same choice of jobs as men.
  • Australia’s gender pay gap estimates at 14%.
  • Sexual or physical violence is a wide phenomenon, as 35% of women globally have had experienced it.

Respect and love the women in your life. Above all, give them the place they deserve. Nothing less, nothing more. After all, teach the future women you are raising to follow the steps of those who made tremendous leap from walking in shadows to leading the world.

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