Ancient Egypt edition
Okay, so the job’s quite a bit easier on the one hand with these being real people who actually existed and were important. Quite a bit harder because these people are ancient Egyptians, people whose religion could describe lightly as extremely obscure and out there. So, let’s get through the boring historic stuff and then get to that sweet slot myth stuff! Now, with minimal aliens mentioned.
Boy King’s Treasure
With its 2011 release date, this is the granddaddy of all of the Egyptian themed RTG slots. This fact is a bit ironic for a game with the title Boy King’s Treasure. Now, you’ll feel like a bit of an archeologist training to find the evidence it even existed. But it did. So, who was King Tut and was he really buried with a donkey?
Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaten, a crazed monotheistic zealot, who almost brought Egypt to the brink of civil war. Monotheism (One God worship)? I thought the Egyptians had like 10k+ Gods, what gives? Well just google his face and o god it’s Aliens, isn’t it? His face looks like an alien’s face and his sporting monotheism several centuries too early. Too creepy, back to Tut.
He reversed all the stuff his dad screwed up and did it all before hitting puberty. That’s right he ascended to the throne at the ripe age of 9. Then he stayed there till he was 21, dying of a variety of chronic diseases. Yey history… So, fun fact he was very inbred. A malformed chin and teeth and walking with a cane, he wasn’t a looker, we can be sure of that. But do you know who was really easy on the eyes…
Cleopatra’s Gold and Jackpot Cleopatra’s Gold Deluxe
So, we got some myths to bust, and I don’t mean just a slot myth or two. The seductress of unbridled beauty over which wars were fought and is the cause of Egypt’s final demise. That’s the take that is usually presented and is a bit misleading. Okay so she was very pretty, but that’s not what caught everybody’s eye about her.
It was her fierce intelligence and conversational skills that made her irresistible to men all over the ancient world. She spoke 10 languages (Latin, Greek, Hebrew to name a few) and read a lot, and I mean A LOT. Plato Aristotle and Homer, the whole lot. Add to that, the fact of her being Egypt’s best ruler in a millennium and you got certified, Girl Boss. But here’s a secret. She wasn’t even Egyptian!? GASP!
Yap, her great-great…father was Greek (Ancient Macedonian) and was one the main generals in Alexander the Great’s army. When Alexander the Great died of alcohol poisoning or poison poisoning, he (Ptolemy) got the Egyptian part of the empire. Fast forward 300 unpleasant years of inbreeding and we get to our girl Cleo. The rest of her story is well known. Seduce Cezar, win her civil war, Cezar dies, seduce Anthony, lose his civil war, both die. Though she died, she died on her own terms (drinking poison) and was fighting right up until the end. A certified badass.

Egyptian Gold
Now we slowly start to slip into myth (Slot myth) with this new title, Egyptian Gold. But who are these attractive Egyptians depicted on the cover art? We could just say those are some random attractive shmoes dressed like Egyptians. But that’s not fun. So, there the dude is Seti I, father of Ramses II and one of the handsome mummies you’ll see. And the woman is then
Hatshepsut, the original Girl boss, Second only to Ramses II. So, all of these people fought wars and managed their state phenomenally, but want to know what else they did? They wore esthetic hats.
Their headwear holds a mythical story old as the unification of lower and upper Egypt. UUUU. Slot Myth! So, the vulture in question is Horus the Falcon God of rulership and bravery. While the little snake on the dude’s hat is Wadjet, the cobra goddess (Ah, our first slot symbol) of Lower Egypt. The crowns usual combine the two animals to invoke an image of a falcon holding a snake. This symbolizes the unification of lower and upper Egypt, while also showing who’s the boss (Upper Egypt’s falcons).
Now, the pharaoh in the picture is also sporting eyeliner on his left eye, which symbolizes the Eye of Horus. Uuu, another Slot Myth? Before becoming pharaoh, Horus had to avenge the death of his dad by killing his uncle. It’s like the Lion King if the battle between Scar and Simba was rated R. Suffice to say Horus wins the battle but loses an eye. The eye is fixed quickly, and Horus becomes King. The Eye of Horus also symbolizes the moon and its damaging lunar eclipse. Now there are some leftover symbols so let’s get through them in a list fashion.

The remaining symbols
Scatter The eye of Ra (the second one!)– the right eye of the sun god Ra (Horuses grandpa), a counterpart of The Eye of Horus. It symbolizes the Sun, and the solar eclipse happens because a Giant snake (Apepe) almost eats Ra who is asleep. This is all happening in the underworld, and to cut things short, Ra dies and is resurrected the scarab beetle (third!). Therefore, dung-beetle is the symbol of resurrection. The ancient Egyptian saw the dung-beetle (male) dig himself into the sand and in a few days lots of babies come out. They thought they were genderless and reproduce asexually which is wrong, but a fun idea non the less.
The two symbols left the Ankh (weird cross thing) and the Pharaoh’s cartouche. The Ankh is the symbol of life and good health. To some it’s an image of the uterus and womb (spooky) while to others it’s the key to life. Same thing, I guess. Now, cartouches were generally just glorified business cards that pharaohs and their entourages used to make themselves feel special. So, let’s see who’s the lucky pharaoh who got immortalized in this game. Drum roll, please. It’s… Psusennes I. Huh, well alright, a bit of bland of pharaoh choice but it looks nice that’s for sure. The name reads “Great are the Manifestations of Ra, chosen of Amun” and I couldn’t have agreed more. That’s all Folks. Slot myth out!