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After surviving the ordeal of resisting to a beautiful mermaid, I figured there must be a reason why I am still alive. After escaping so many dangers at the bottom of the ocean, it would be a shame not to test my destiny once again, right? Who knows, with your help, I just as well may be indestructible. Get 200 free spins for helping Yabby to solve the riddle!

Back to the Ship Wreckage

So, can you guess what was my next move? Yes, I got back to the ship wreckage from the beginning of our adventures together. Remember you helped me decipher a code. Now that I knew there was something valuable enough in that boat to regret if not at least taking a peek at it, I could not resist. “You enter you repent you stay away you repent”, the message read. So, I had to go inside, as I obviously had to take upon myself at least one remorse. As for you, dear reader, there is no remorse, only gain. Every adventure I take is a way for you to get 200 free spins. Bear this in mind.

The boat obviously sunk a very long time ago. There was sea grass everywhere, so much that I could barely find my way through. The remains of what used to be a very well-equipped boat, may I say.

An Unexpected Host

Then, out of the darkness, the ghost of all past ocean creatures appeared right in front of me. Was I scared? Hell, ya! He swayed around me, wiggled fast and eventually smirked to the extent I was offended. Then, he came really close to me and whispered:

“So, you had to return, hm, you nasty little creature? I can appreciate the courage, though. Let’s see what you are made of. Should you guess the answer to a riddle I will let you know the secret of this boat.” A nice offer, wouldn’t you say?

The Riddle as a Way to Get 200 Free Spins

I hesitated for a moment. Then he said: “Not so sure about it now? You must be wondering what happens if you don’t guess it right.” He was right. Those were my thoughts exactly.  Nevertheless, I mustered courage and uttered: “I’m ready. Shoot!” And then, the ghost said:

“­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­There were two fathers and two sons who walked into the woods. They cut the log, and each one of them took a quarter, while one quarter was left untouched. How is that possible if there were two fathers and two sons?

Help me out, mates! Guess the answer to this riddle, so I can get a hold of the boat’s secret and you can get your hands on those 200 FREE SPINS!


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  • Michael Staples says:

    Mws813 – user name

    One of the ‘fathers’ is also a grandfather. Therefore the other father is both a son and a father to the grandson. In other words, the one father is both a son and a father.

    • Hoa nguyen says:

      Username.. vtnman

      The answer: one is the son, the other is the father and the last one is the grandfather.

    • Bruce LEcuyer says:

      There are only three people the Son Father and Grandfather hence they had to leave a peice a wood behind. The Grand father has a son and the Grandfather has a son.

  • It is possible because there were actually 3 people who walked into the woods. One being a son, the next is a father and a son to the next person who was a grandfather.


  • Mario Dominguez says:

    There is only three people a grandfather (father) , father (father and son) and son

  • Lynn Klos says:

    There’s only the grandfather, father and son. All three took one quarter of the wood which leaves one quarter.

  • One was a grandfather one was a father and son and one was a son. Only 3 but consisting of two father’s and two sons why only 3 pieces were carried.

  • There is only three people a grandfather (father) , father (father and son) and son

  • Jennifer says:

    Username: jenchristens

    It was three people: a man, his son, and his son’s son. Of the three, two are “Dad” to another member of the party, and two are “Son” to another member of the party.

  • Jason VanLith says:

    Username is JayRolla73

    There were 3 people who entered the woods. The youngest is the son of the 2nd oldest, who is the father to the youngest son. And the father is also a son to his father, the oldest amongst the threesome. He is also the grandfather to the youngest son and the father of the grandsons father. The three people were the grandfather, father and son/grandson. This leaving 1/4 of the log unclaimed.

  • User name : tigerjk

    There is only three people a grandfather (father) , father (father and son) and son

  • There are only 3 people, grandfather,father, and grandson

  • Abownaro says:

    The one father is both a son and a father.
    I.e., the other father is both a son and a father to the grandson.

  • Mhobbs7321 says:

    There are only 3 people. A father, his son, and his grandson…2 fathers and 2 sons.

  • Simple. It may have been a family trip consisting of 1.) A boy, 2.) That boy’s father, & 3.) That SAME boy’s GRANDFATHER.


  • Ginger says:

    This is because they were three, one was grand father, another was father and other one was son.

  • G1ng3r says:

    This is because they were three, one was grand father, another was father and other one was son.

  • Nancy mahoney says:

    It’s a grandfather, a father, and the fathers son.

    Username nelizabeth

  • Angela Solorio says:

    1st person is the father to #2
    2nd person is the son to #1 and father to #3
    3rd person is the Son to #2

  • Chloe Evans says:

    Son his Father and his father. Three generations. The first 2 are both sons and the last 2 are both fathers

  • richard harris says:

    Richard Harris


    There are 3 generations of men is: Grandfather

    Grandson has his father and his father’s father is his grandfather ,therefore two father’s and two sons

  • sbouillon says:

    There is only three people a grandfather (father) , father (father and son) and son

    Username: sbouillon

  • Felicia Grant
    Username: highyelow 365

    The answer: one is the son, the other is the father and the last one is the grandfather.

  • tuoanh truong says:

    Cause there were only 3 people
    Grand pa who is the father to his son who is also a father to his son.

  • The answer is that there was only three men. One was a father and son.

  • Bruce hisle says:

    There is A grandfather, a father, and a son.

  • There are three people, the Son, Father and Grandfather. The Grand father has a son, and the father has a son.

  • Rob says:


    A grandfather, his son, his son’s son. Only three people!

  • Leyla Black says:

    Dear All,
    Thank you very much for participating in our blog promotion. All of you who have guessed the correct answer (the grandfather, the son and the grandson equals two fathers, two sons) will receive free spins, as stated above. Stay safe! Cheers!

  • Kane says:

    dustbusters one of the father’s is also a grandfather therefore the other father is both a son and a father to the grandson in other words the one father is both a son and a father

  • Have the. Spins for this promotion been processed yet ?
    Guess I didn’t answer the riddle correctly ?
    Username : highyelow365

  • I answered the riddle correctly however they stated that I needed to make a deposit first, which I did and I still haven’t received them. My username is kimberly08

  • Richie Eubanks says:
