200 Halloween free spins

200 Halloween Free Spins for Guessing the Cards

The end of October has arrived quickly and unexpectedly, at least for some. In case you feel the days stalling, you should consider yourself lucky and enjoy every moment of it. These are the days of our lives, and we will live to tell our grandkids about them. Yabby remembers feeling especially excited on one of the previous Halloween nights. Instead of going trick or treating, he decided to keep an eye on what his casino competition was up to. Therefore, he played a few slots at an online casino, and entered a Halloween promotion at another casino. To get a reward he needs to guess the cards. Would you help him and win your 200 HALLOWEEN FREE SPINS as well?

The Halloween Night

Halloween is usually loud and scary. You know how I hate crowded places, mates? On the other hand, mysteries have always been at the center of my attention. I adore them in all fields of life. If I need a good movie to watch – murder mystery is my choice. When I want to read an interesting book – historical mystery novels are my thing. While I was younger – almost every woman was a mystery worth unravelling. And I simply couldn’t control the drive to discover. But I am getting too carried away here, so stop me, please.

Anyway, this scary and noisy night, I felt I needed some peace and quiet. Therefore, I decided to ignore the trick or treating kids on my doorstep. I grabbed my pumpkin pie and put almost an entire box of chocolate ice cream on top, because it’s Halloween and on this night we all do stupid things. So, there I was, eating like a pig and playing some of my favorite slots. And then I figured – why not check out what this casino has in store for Halloween?

The Halloween Task

What I found was a cozy and short mind game which needed solving. It says that if I guess the order in which the cards should appear on a screen, I can get 200 Halloween free spins. Just to be on the safe side, I need your help. Several heads are always smarter than one. Unless we talk mysteries, naturally.

Now, let me give you the same hints which I received.

Guess the Cards

There are three playing cards in a row. Imagine that you are looking at them on your screen and they appear in the following order:

  • The King is in the middle.
  • A two is to the right of a king.
  • The diamond is to the left of a spade.
  • An ace is to the left of a heart.
  • A heart is to the left of a spade, right next to it.

In which order the cards appear, mates? We need full answer stating card suits and numbers, left to right. Think quickly, write it down, draw, I don’t care! Get me those spins and win you 200 Halloween free spins as well!


  • Promotion is available only for depositors.
  • Blog promotion is good for playing non-progressive slots only (excluding RTG777).
  • The promotion will last until October 28th, 2021. and we will process free spins the following week.
  • If you have entered the promotion within the specified time frame but appear not to be eligible, the deadline for fulfilling the eligibility criteria is November 4th, 2021. After this date, we will not be accepting any new claims.
  • Follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
  • Leave a comment with a correct answer and your username in the casino below our blog post.
  • No two free promotions available between deposits.
  • One person/account/household/IP Address may claim this promotion only once.
  • You need to wager free spins winnings 50x before a withdrawal.
  • Maximum cash-out is $/€/AUD 100.
  • All bonuses are subject to the Bonus and Promotions section of our Terms of Service.
  • In the interests of fair gaming, wagering more than $/€ 10 per spin while playing any of our non-progressive slot games will result in all winnings been void while playing the bonus in question.
  • Do not forget to leave your username.
  • Unless specifically stated otherwise other standard Casino rules apply.


111 responses to “200 Halloween Free Spins for Guessing the Cards”

  1. Miiitchg Avatar

    Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Two of Spades

    1. Chiara Avatar

      Ace Diamonds, King of hearts, Two of spades

    2. Shea marriott Avatar
      Shea marriott

      TheNutts. Is the username/Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and 2 of spades is the key answer.

  2. jeff Avatar

    the left card is the ace of diamonds, the middle card is the king of hearts, and the right card is the 2 of spades

    1. jeff Avatar

      username is effreeffre

  3. Rachel Brown Avatar
    Rachel Brown

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and 2 of spades

  4. Shaune Hansen Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, two of spades

    Username Sticky801

  5. Sherry Avatar

    Ace diamonds king hearts 2 spade

  6. heather lindsay Avatar
    heather lindsay

    Ace of diamonds, King of Hearts two of spades
    username is karmabeast3

  7. Christopher purcell Avatar

    Ace of diamonds king of hearts 2 of spades

  8. Ashtyn VanBlaricom Avatar
    Ashtyn VanBlaricom

    Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Two of Spades. Ashtynv96

  9. Vjara1004 Avatar

    1st card – Ace of diamond
    2nd card King of Hearts
    3rd card- 2 of spades

  10. armando Avatar

    ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and 2 of spades

  11. Luis Alvarez Avatar

    Ace of diamonds
    King of hearts
    Two of spades

  12. Jason brandmire Avatar

    Okay Ace diamonds then king hearts then two of spades ordered left to right.
    A ♦️ k ♥️ 2 ♠️

    Username jabster579

  13. Uriah Stricker Avatar
    Uriah Stricker

    Ace diamond, King Hearts, Two Spades


  14. JAMES J DAMARI Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, two òf spades

  15. Jessica Wilson Avatar
    Jessica Wilson

    Going from the left, middle then right positions-
    Ace of Diamonds. Left
    King of Hearts. Middle
    Two of Spades. Right

  16. reginnald J Anderson Avatar

    1 Ace of diamonds
    2 King of hearts
    3 Deuce of spades

  17. anthony williams Avatar

    ace of diamonds king or hearts 2 or spades`

  18. curtis Berquist Avatar
    curtis Berquist

    Ace of diamonds- king of hearts-two if spades
    Nassau1700 username

  19. Anthony Fiorito Avatar
    Anthony Fiorito

    Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Two of Spades.

  20. Jacqulyn12 Avatar

    Ace of diamonds,
    king of hearts,
    2 of spades


  21. Kane Avatar


  22. srhcope76 Avatar

    Ace of diamonds first, king of hearts in middle, 2 of spades last

  23. Christoph Blank Avatar
    Christoph Blank


  24. Tee Avatar

    Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts then 2 of Spades

  25. Jaydub515 Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, two of spades

  26. Debbie Riches Avatar

    Ace of diamonds
    King of hearts
    2 of Spades

  27. Robin Gaymon Avatar

    Ace of Diamonds, King of Spades, Two of Hearts

  28. Christopher Thomason Avatar

    Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Two of Spades. Username chris8554

  29. Rowena Abieras Avatar
    Rowena Abieras

    Ace the Diamond
    King the heart
    Two the spade

    Username: rabieras79

  30. Debbie Riches Avatar

    My user name is Debtriches

    1. Debbie Riches Avatar

      Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, 2 of spades
      Username Debtriches

  31. Alexander ira King Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, King of hearts, 2 of spades

  32. Mhobbs7321 Avatar

    Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Two of Spades.

  33. Caitlin peter Avatar

    The three cards left to right are the ace of diamonds, King of hearts, and the two of spades. This is the order from left to right.

    My username is sparkle0901.

  34. Hallie Hubbbard Avatar

    (in order from the left to the right)


  35. Jennifer Avatar

    Ace ♦️/ King ❤️ / 2 ♠️

    Acct: jenchristens

  36. Carrie Clifford Avatar


  37. SimonFarmer Avatar

    Ace of Diamonds is the first card. King of Hearts is the middle card. 2 of spades is the last card

    Username sompster99

  38. Joann Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, King of Hearts, 2 of Spades

    Username: JoJoMB

  39. Dylan Avatar

    Ace of diamonds. King of hearts. Two of spades


  40. Jason VanLith Avatar
    Jason VanLith

    In order from left to right the cards are: Ace of Diamonds on the left, King of Hearts is in the middle and the Two of Spades is the card on the right.


  41. Gary Wilson Avatar
    Gary Wilson

    Ace of diamonds ♦️…. King of hearts ❤️…. Two of spades ♠️

  42. Gary Wilson Avatar
    Gary Wilson

    Ace of diamonds king of hearts and two of spades…….A♦️….K❤️….2♠️

  43. Dennis Parker Avatar
    Dennis Parker

    Left to right: Ace of Diamonds, King of hearts, 2 of spades.

    Username: AphidX

  44. Smyles328 Avatar


    Answer is: A diamonds, K of hearts and the 2 of spades.


  45. JONATHAn AVALOS Avatar

    Ace of diamonds , king of hearts , 2 of spades

    Username : johnnyboy714

  46. Joy Shepler Avatar
    Joy Shepler

    Ace of diamonds
    King of hearts
    Two of spades


  47. Phyllis SZYMANEK Avatar
    Phyllis SZYMANEK

    Ace diamonds
    King hearts
    2 of spades


  48. Carolyn92052 Avatar

    A◇ K♡ 2♤

  49. Noah1998 Avatar

    Ace of diamonds
    King of hearts
    2 of spades

  50. tracy Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, two of spades

  51. Boualiene Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, two of spades

  52. BryceD94 Avatar

    Ace diamonds
    King hearts
    2 of spades

  53. ALEC NOLAN Avatar

    ace of diamonds, king of hearts and the 2 of spades

  54. cristie collyer Avatar

    ace of diamonds, king of hearts, two of spades

    user: jailahjobeejeht1

  55. Carly Weinstein Avatar
    Carly Weinstein

    Ace of diamonds, King of Hearts two of spades

  56. Brian Avatar

    Ace of diamonds
    King of hearts
    Two of spades


    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and 2 of spades

  58. Gary Wilson Avatar
    Gary Wilson

    Ace of diamonds ♦️…. King of hearts ❤️…. Two of spades ♠️…..tophat1142

  59. Krista Avatar

    Ace of Spades
    King of Hearts
    2 of Diamonds

  60. Allison Ashburn Avatar

    Ace of Diamonds
    King of Hearts
    2 spades


  61. Candice Crain Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, two of spades

    ID… cyc0413

  62. Jlee123 Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, two of spades

  63. Maronica Parham Avatar
    Maronica Parham

    Ace diamonds king of hearts and 2 of spades


  64. Benjamin Bulygo Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, King of hearts, and 2 of spades.

    Username: benjibtot

  65. Shelley Dugger Avatar
    Shelley Dugger


    the left card is the ace of diamonds, the middle card is the king of hearts, and the right card is the 2 of spades

  66. Peter Avatar

    the left card is the ace of diamonds, the middle card is the king of hearts, and the right card is the 2 of spades


  67. Mark T Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, King of hearts, 2 of spades


  68. Ivans Hero Avatar
    Ivans Hero

    left to right – Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, two of spades
    A ♦️ k ♥️ 2 ♠️


  69. John Gray Avatar


    left card is Ace of Diamonds midle card is King of Hearts right card is Two of Spades

  70. Aaron Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, King of hearts, Two of spades

    username: htcalia4

  71. Ricardo Avatar

    Ace of Diamonds
    King of Hearts
    2 of Spades

  72. Robert Melgoza Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and 2 of spades username Robsters1026

  73. heather Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, King of hearts, 2 of spades

  74. Katelyn Daniels Avatar

    Ace of diamonds
    King of hearts
    2 of spades

  75. Tasha Woods Avatar
    Tasha Woods

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts and two of spades ……tss143 thnku

  76. Akduck88 Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and the 2 of spades.

  77. Brandon Jones Avatar
    Brandon Jones

    Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Two of Spades

  78. Chelsea Williams Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and 2 of spades



    1. Kellie masters Avatar
      Kellie masters

      Ace of diamonds, king of hearts and two of spades !

  79. Ladybug2021 Avatar

    Ace of diamonds king of hearts and two of spades

  80. Lauren Hudson Avatar
    Lauren Hudson

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and 2 of spades


  81. Daryl Hood Avatar
    Daryl Hood

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and 2 of spades


  82. Heather Smith Avatar
    Heather Smith

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and 2 of spades


  83. Rocco A Abbondandolo Avatar
    Rocco A Abbondandolo

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts and 2 of spades…- Rocco636

  84. Chelsea Avatar

    Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, and 2 of spades

  85. David Avatar

    Ace of diamonds king of hearts and two of spades

  86. JASON OSBORNE Avatar


    username: josborne809

  87. Austin Rothschild (Asr1985) Avatar
    Austin Rothschild (Asr1985)

    Ace of Diamonds – King of Hearts – 2 of Spades

  88. Dominique Manchester Avatar

    1st card – Ace of diamond
    2nd card King of Hearts
    3rd card- 2 of spades

  89. Samantha Avatar

    Ace of diamonds
    King of hearts
    Two of spades


  90. Joe Avatar

    Ace of diamonds king of hearts 2 of spades

  91. Tim rb Avatar
    Tim rb


    Ace of diamonds / king of hearts / 2 of spades

    1. Boualiene Avatar

      Ace of diamonds / king of hearts / 2 of spades

  92. Emily Avatar

    Answer is Ace Diamonds, King of hearts, Two of spades
    Username: Emrarrr

    1. Larry Hur Avatar
      Larry Hur

      A diamonds/King of hearts/ 2 of spades

  93. Abownaro Avatar

    Ace of diamonds/King of hearts/2 of spades

  94. Marelnor Avatar

    A of diamonds
    K of hearts
    2 of spades

  95. Hodgeskj Avatar


  96. Robin White Avatar
    Robin White

    From left to right. Ace of diamonds, king of hearts, 2 of spades. Username:whoibeisessence3

  97. Tiffany Lewis Avatar

    A ♦️ k ♥️ 2 ♠️

  98. Walter E Lewis Avatar
    Walter E Lewis

    Ace of diamonds king of hearts two of spades

  99. Felicia Grant Avatar

    Ace of Diamonds
    King of Hearts
    2 of Spades

    Username: highyelow365

  100. Stacey boughton Avatar

    Ace of diamond king of hearts and two of spades

  101. Tamika Avatar

    Ace of diamond, king of heart, two of spade

  102. Mark Avatar

    The ace of diamond, the king of heart then the two of spade

    Username: whithabino

  103. S. Strader Avatar
    S. Strader

    Left card Ace of diamond, middle card king of heart right card two of spade

  104. Edward w Avatar
    Edward w

    Ace diamond k heart 2 spade