It’s the end of month and you find yourself desperate about your friend’s birthday present. You regret all those parties you’ve been on during past days spending money, asking yourself when you will get in control. Don’t worry, we have all been in this situation at least once and we are here to help you. These are some of the easiest ways to save money. Let’s start!
Establish your budget
On the first day of a new month make a list of your costs. Consider your habits and lifestyle just so you’re aware where your money goes. Online banking features can also provide you useful information about your average costs.
Cancel unnecessary commitments
Make sure you check your subscriptions. Some of them aren’t essential, are they? Reconsider that Netflix account you’re paying every month, how much do you really use it? Corona virus lockdowns have given us plenty of time for entertainment, maybe you should try restricting some of them.
Prepare your food
Restaurants are not your friend in saving money. Plan your meals in order to reduce food wasting. Even though you don’t like cooking and cleaning kitchen mess, you should give it a try – could be fun. Try packing lunch for work. Also, add a food delivery on your enemy list. A 10$ pizza once a week will cost you 500$ a year! There are also some cleverer ways to save and earn money but we’ll get to that soon.
Quit the bad habits
Not only it is bad for your budget, smoking is terrible for your health. This could be a great start for your healthier lifestyle.
Hang out at home
Invite your friends or family to your place. Food and drinks are usually very cheaper in stores than in bars and restaurants. Organize movie night in your living room instead of going to cinema. Try to manage your money well so your social life does not suffer.
Lower your energy bill
Turn off the lights when they aren’t needed, replace it with energy-efficient light-bulbs. It may sound stupid now but you remember that one saying – little things make big things happen.
Reduce online shopping
On your enemy list, next to food delivery add online shopping. Buying unnecessary clothes, gadgets and presents drains your bank account. Let us add another hack on the “Ways to save money” list – when you are searching certain product on Google, do it in incognito browser so companies can’t track what you’re looking at and show you ads later on social media.
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We hope we gave you some useful advice and encouraged you to start your saving journey. And remember – “No great achievements are possible without persistent work.” Bertnard Russel